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Posts tagged as “Central Asia”

New Opportunities from Shifting Asia to Europe Cargo Flows

While much of the focus has been on surging transpacific air cargo, Asia Pacific to Europe has performed better even if overall westbound volumes are still around 12% below January 2022 peak levels. Over the past years there have been significant changes in how air cargo moves between Asia and Europe with both the Gulf and Central Asia increasing their share of traffic and some smaller European countries seeing a surge in inbound volumes. This article discusses the changes taking place in Asia to Europe air cargo.

Strong Uzbekistan Trade Growth Expected to Continue Beyond 2023

Uzbekistan is an interesting place and not just because we have a fondness for Plov. With a population of 34.5 million it is the largest country in Central Asia and the Caucasus region and the second largest economy after Kazakhstan. Uzbekistan’s import and export market is also more diverse than other countries in the region, which typically generate two thirds of their import and export value with energy, mining and bulk agricultural commodities. Despite being landlocked, Uzbekistan has grown imports and exports faster than other countries in the region and is expected to continue to do so.

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